Personality Test Part 1: Green Lion!
Hohoho…spertinya tes personality lagi musim. Tanpa bermaksud ikut2an, saya pun juga mencobanya melalui beberpa website.
Dan teryata hasilnya lumayan tepat. Dari beberapa website yang saya coba, saya merasa yg paling mewakili diri ini adalah dari dan Doubutsu-Uranai dan iPersonic.Menurut Doubutsu-Uranai,
Saya adalah 'Green Lion', seekor singa hijau.You are Green Lion, who gives graceful and pure impression
(yah, bisa diterima lah…=)
You are dignified, and possess delicate sensitivity and cool intelligence along side your sweetness.
(wow! Dignified itu gak nahan, coy!…. Cool intelegence, kira2 artinya kecerdasan yang keren atau kecerdasan yang tipis ya?! Hahaah…)
But unlike your friendly outlook, you are very cautious towards others, and can not relax in front of anyone.(wah! Yang ini benar sekali nih! Teman2 sering bertanya, "ndok kenapa? Ada masalah ya?!"Padahal saya biasa2 aja. Wajah ini memang bawaannya serius terus.) adoado…
Your weakness is that you can not adapt easily to new environments.
(hmm…kadang2 sih...)
You tend to take a very passive attitude when starting something.(betul sekali!!!!)
But when it comes nearer towards the goal, you become very obstinate, and your ego will start to show up.(correct!!!)
You may become very dogmatic, but because of your personality, people will not feel harmed.(hah! Yg ini gak ngerti maksudnya apa!)hihii..
You possess a skill of a manager, and even if you experience difficulty, you don't show grimness.(ah! Ini juga agak2 gak ngerti. Maksudnya saya kurang tegas gitu?!
You are very practical and precise person.(ehm!)
You can make sound and rational decisions, but sometimes can be argumentative.
In life, you are long distance runner type.(nah, ini lagi nih!maksudnya?! saya pelari jarak jauh gtu? Emang sih duu pas SD sering menang lomba lari..hoho..)
You treasure your past and find something from there.
(yupz, exactly!)
You will have your best days in old age.(Amiiin…)
You are not so emotional type, and therefore look much older than your actual age.(whahahaha…tepat sekali ini!)
You should not think things according to your own interest.(hmm..ya ya ya, saya akui!)
Your reliable character is trusted by people around you.(ya k?) hehe...
After getting married you may turn out a little nagging type.(halah….belum nikah aja aku udah cerewet!)
But will be a good wife and a mother.(hahahaha…geli aku bacanya!)
*to be cotinued…