
Showing posts from June, 2011

#fuckyeahmyauntmary !

Ah, since the twitter era this #thingy became one of common thing. And if my lecturers see this post, i write headline with that sign, they'll absolutely give me an 'E". :)) Well, I just wanna share about my newest favorite band, My Aunt Mary. An indie band from South Korea first debuted in 1999 with Vol.1 My Aunt Mary . After that, they released Rock and Roll Star(2002) , Just Pop (2004), Drift (2006) and the latest is Circle (2008).  It's like you listen to Pure Saturday but in Korean language. My most favorite track is Sweet from album Drift . The other one is Last Greeting from Circle . But I overall love the Circle album. Aaaah, ahjushi...saranghaee....:D  The video below is also one of my favorite tracks. Enjoy. P.S : It's so hard to find their song lyrics so I have to do blogwalking at some of Korean blog then convert them into Romaji. :))

See You in September! :D

Oh, Thank God I got accepted! At the same campus with my degree. But I 'm sure that'll be different environment and people. So, see you in September dear books, discussions, assignments, exams, and oh, thesis. :D Btw, I think I should wear heels then. I can't imagine someone asked me "what are you doing here hey little kid? you visit your Mom here?" Hahahahaha.... So, let me enjoy this so called 'waiting' time again. I feel more peaceful now. Watching DVDs, learn Hangul, do my work better and of course, read more and more to just to get back the heat of this brain.  Have a nice day, people.....:)


Mungkin ini yang dinamakan kebosanan tingkat dewa. Saya juga gak tau dewa suka bosan atau enggak.. Yang jelas, kebosanan saya sudah stadium IV. Saya yakin pasti sebagai nasihat semua orang akan bilang "Sabar Ndok". Oh, please, tolong, saya lagi gak butuh nasihat klise kayak gitu. Saya sudah kehabisan akal hal apalagi yang harus saya buat untuk menghilangkan kebosanan mahadashyat macam ini. Rasanya saya ingin teriak sekencang2nya lalu lompat setinggi-tingginya lalu menjatuhkan diri dari tempat yang tinggi. Wew, seram juga ya?! Tidak, saya sama sekali tidak punya niat untuk bunuh diri. Nonton tivi, baca buku,  nonton dvd, sampai belajar bahasa Korea sudah saya lakoni. Tapi tetap saja hasrat untuk bekerja atau kuliah lagi mengalahkan segalanya. Saya tahu, semua perlu proses. Saya bukan cuma duduk diam di rumah memang tanpa usaha mencari kegiatan, tapi saya benar2 sudah stuck untuk mencari apa yang harus dilakukan. Semua kata-kata mutiara paling positif udah mental dari tel...