Tentang Mengajar #2 - Happy First Anniversary!

Tidak menyadari bahwa sudah setahun mengajar sampai ada notifikasi dari Linkdn dan beberapa teman mengirimkan pesan berisi 'Congratulation'. Well, thanks anyway.

Jadi sudah setahun bergelut dengan lesson plans, students, scoring, bikin soal ujian, deal with problematic students (and other lecturers). So, what's next?

By the way, sebelumnya harus menjelaskan status saya sekarang. Intinya sih saya masih jadi part-timer. Semua yang saya kerjakan tidak ada yang tetap. Tempat kerja pindah-pindah, status setengah-setengah plus pendapatan tidak tetap. Dan ini juga yang bikin saya masih galau menjalani profesi ini. Ada banyak alasan yang menjadikan status saya gak jelas. Yah males juga sih kalau harus ditulis di blog. Intinya, sekali lagi saya dikecewakan oleh sistem administrasi tanah air. Ugh!

I'm still applying for better jobs (with better income of course) but I haven't got other interview callings. Once I got it, they didn't call me again. Ah...you know...that job hunting all over again...:(

But anywaaay....I'm trying to enjoy what I'm doing now. I'm doing it because I'm teaching what I like (English language and Communication). The teaching job is actually not my favorite but the subject, yes I love it. I'm trying to enjoy the good and bad times. Embrace the time of 'malas ngajar' and 'malas ngomong'. And the most important thing is, I get to meet many good people. And of course bad people. But they're there to give me lessons so yeah, I appreciate them too.

So when someone ask me, 'what do you want to do next?'. Well, just wait and see. And continue searching. I believe that God is the best director. We're the artists, right? So, I think we should act well, get along with other artist, and learn to make us a better artist.

Now let me congratulate myself, Happy 1st Teaching Anniversary, Ananda! :) 


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