If I Could Turn Back The Time...

After reading the interview with Nazril Irham (Ariel 'Peterpan') in Rolling Stones Indonesia 41st edition, I was inspired with all of his answers, especially when he said, "kalo ada yang bisa mengembalikan waktu, mau dong kenalan, jadi teman baik kalo bisa".

From the interview, I can see that he (Ariel) really wants to turn back his time, to be an 'usual' Ariel, not Ariel who has to wear the hat to go somewhere. Hahaha....

As a human being, me, as Ariel so, want to turn back the time, so that we can change everything has done to be what we want.
But the question is, which human can do that? and the answer is, NO ONE.

In this post, I just wanna back to the past and  tell you the  things that I would change If I could turn back the time.

1. Music Instruments

Yes, I'm the only one who can not play the music instruments. My ayah, mom, brother, and sister, they all can play ones.

So, if I could turn back the time, I would take piano or violin course with my sister when we were in Elemantary School. I would go with her, not just accompany and wait for her until she finish her lesson.

2. Swimming

I can't swim, guys! So that I always afraid of kinds of water, like the sea, beach, or ocean. If I'm in a plane, and the plane is crossing the sea, yes, I always in a hurry, try to think positive that it won't fall to the sea. How can I survive in that sea, although the life jacket is provided?
And one more thing, when the price of ticket rose last semester , me and my friends planned to go back to our hometown by ferry. I refused that plan, because I was so afraid! How if the ship fall into the sea, and we all disappear in the sea? oh, my God...

So, if I could turn back the time, I would take a swimming course, like my siblings do when we were in Elemenatary School, not just looked at them and played with my self in the swimming pool.

3. EJS (Ekskul Jurnalistik Smansa)

This is one of extracurriculars in my lovely Smansa. When I was in High School, I joined KIR (Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja). Why did I join that club? Beside I was interesting with this club, and....I've gone too far to fill the form and submit it to the senior!
And the worse thing is, I didn't know that this club (EJS) is exist! Whua...

Guys, if I could turn back the time, I would fill the KIR form and wait until I know that the EJS is exist.  ^sigh^

4. A half-blood Chinese guy

This is actually my darkest secret, and it's ridicolous!
If I could back to my High School life, I would tell him that I crush on him. I wouldn't let my self spend 3 years with crazy about him! Hahhaha...


Hmmm...I didn't pass this Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 2007. Actually, I planned to continue my study in Malaysia first, but, I think, If I could pass it, especially my first choice, it's better.

And, If I could pass it, my parents don't need to spend their money as much as they spend now to take care of me here. And they (including me) don't need to go to money changer every month.

So, If I could turn back the time, I would study harder and more serious than I did before, not just stay at home while all my friends go to that fuckin' TRY OUT!


Anyway, those are just some things that I feel sorry. But, as Ariel does, just face all the things happend!

Besides, this life is full of secrets. This life is too short to  feel sorry for the things we've done.

I can't play instruments, but maybe I can do other things, as well as swimming. I always afraid of crossing the sea, but, I still can cross the street, kan?

I can't join EJS but now, I'm a Journalism student. Yeah!

I didn't tell him that I like him, but now, we are good friends, and it's better. And, I;'e got my lovely Edho now, a curly Javanese guy who loves me so!=)

And one more thing, I didn't pass SPMB but now, I'm in this Apex University, USM! hihi....
I have a new life here, and I can learn so many new things.

Yeah, the point is just look at the bright side, friends!=)

So, Ndok, just face your life now. Your journey is still very2 long...=)


Ivann Makhsara said…
euhm, sometimes you have to.....

uhm i lose my words, could someone fill the blank? huh
hal hal seperti inilah, yang aku sesali dulu, yang membuat aku menjadikan hidupku seperti komedi. tenang saja.Tuhan itu sutradara terbaik. =)
ananda anwar said…
u have to apa van???
penasaran aku...

ananda anwar said…
yes! benar sekali,,,

Tuhan itu sutardara terbaik...

manusia jadi artisnya...
dunia jadi filmnya,,,

ananda anwar said…
yes! benar sekali,,,

Tuhan itu sutardara terbaik...

manusia jadi artisnya...
dunia jadi filmnya,,,

bayarannya nanti, di akhirat!

ananda anwar said…
yes! benar sekali,,,

Tuhan itu sutardara terbaik...

manusia jadi artisnya...
dunia jadi filmnya,,,

bayarannya nanti, di akhirat!

Ivann Makhsara said…
makjang sampe tiga kali dibalas komen madi, curiga aku ndok, kau udah kenak guna" ya sama dia? haha, gawat nih
ananda anwar said…
eh, bukan van., itu kepencat!
aduh ketauan. gawat nih haha
Ivann Makhsara said…
ndook ini sebuah pertanda! pokoknya kalo kau kejadian sesuatu yg aneh belakangan ini, udah pasti dia lah orangnya yg buat kau kek gitu! wkwkwkw
astrid anwar said…
"I would take piano or violin course with my sister when we were in Elemantary School. I would go with her, not just accompany and wait for her until she finish her lesson."

mending kau carik tempat les lain..
gak kan kubiarkan kau disiksa jugak sama hantu cina itu..
ananda anwar said…
ahahhahaa,,,,gpp lah kenak cubit setidaknya ilmunya dapat!

ysudahla tak perlu disesali....
astrid anwar said…
dapatla sikit..
dendamnya banyak..

semua pasti ada hikmahnya..

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