See You in September! :D

Oh, Thank God I got accepted! At the same campus with my degree. But I 'm sure that'll be different environment and people. So, see you in September dear books, discussions, assignments, exams, and oh, thesis. :D

Btw, I think I should wear heels then. I can't imagine someone asked me "what are you doing here hey little kid? you visit your Mom here?" Hahahahaha....

So, let me enjoy this so called 'waiting' time again. I feel more peaceful now. Watching DVDs, learn Hangul, do my work better and of course, read more and more to just to get back the heat of this brain. 

Have a nice day, people.....:)


Mira Afianti said…
selamat ndook sukses yaa! gak pengangguran lagi sekarang :p
ananda anwar said…
makasi mira...doain ya sehat2 dan lancar. hehe. mira juga selamat udah lulus...:D
qis sahara said…
hye...congrats dapat continue master...all da best..
Unknown said…
congrate ndok

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