#K-Song _ Love Recipe by Clazziquai Project

I don't exactly remember when I first heard of Clazziquai Project. Maybe from drama soundtrack or maybe from the compilation album I ever downloaded. What I know is that this band is one of indie bands from South Korea.  

Clazziquai Project consists of DJ Clazzi, Horan and Alex. I only know Alex because he acted in drama Pasta as Kim San, Yoo Kyung's secret admirer. So far I just heard some of their song like Love Recipe, Be My Love, and Sweety. Their music may be classified as electronic one and sometimes sounds jazzy. 

From my search on internet, Clazziquai has released seven album and the latest one is Blessed, released in 2013. One of the songs in this album titled 'Love Recipe' and I'm currently so in love with this song. Check it out. 

What I like from this song is definitely its music and even though I can only understand some the words in the lyrics, I'm sure that the song has a deep meaning. The music video is also quite good and I like watching it over and over. 

If you want to know more about Clazziquai Project, visit here or if you want to listen their songs check their lastfm


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